The Compulsory School Day (Reception to Year 6)
School Start Time 8:55am
School Finish Time KS1-3:00pm  KS2 3.05
Total time in school per week 30 hours 25 minutes (KS1), 30 hours 50 minutes (KS2)
Nursery Session Times
Morning session 8:30am – 11:30am
Afternoon session 12:15pm – 3:15pm
Wraparound Provision
Breakfast provision start time 7:45am
After school provision finish time 5:15pm


The Main School Gates will open at 8.40am. Entrance onto the playground is via the double gates. Lessons begin at 8.55am. Please exit via the small gate on Lanehouse Road to allow more space for people. Gates will be locked at 9.00am so arrivals after this time must be signed in at the school office.

Children in Classes 8,9,10,11 and 12 can enter through the KS2 doors on the large playground which will be supervised by a member of staff.

Class 13 children can use their own classroom doors for access.

Children in classes 4,5,6  and 7 enter through the double lobby doors in the small playground.

Class 1 parents enter through their own classroom doors.

Class 2 and 3 use the corridor door outside Class 2.

At the end of the school day, access gates on Lanehouse Road and Roseberry View will be opened at 2.45pm


We kindly ask Parents and Carers not gather at entrance gates or doors to keep access clear for everyone. Entrance into the school building must be pre-arranged as a safeguarding measure.

Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club

We have a Breakfast Club provision to assist families where children need to
be dropped off to school before 8.40am at a cost of £1.50 per session.
Breakfast Club starts at 7.45 am. We have to offer this for limited numbers
and ask parents only to use this as essential. Places will need to be booked in
advance. Children must not just turn up without booking a place.

After School
Costs will be £7.50 per child per session. Contact the school office if you
wish for your child to be added to a waiting list as we have no additional
places at the moment. We will continually review this.