Mr Conwell is Designated Child Protection member of staff. All teaching and support staff have had annual Child Protection Awareness training/Safeguarding and receive regular updates. However, all members of St.Patrick’s staff share a responsibility for Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and have a duty to follow the procedures approved by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and take appropriate action if they have concerns about a child’s welfare.

In Mr Conwell’s absence, Mr.Ryan, Mr O’Donnell, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Hobson have been trained as Designated Safeguarding leads.

The School mirrors Ofsted  in its recognition of the definition of the term ‘Safeguarding’ used in the Children Act 2004. In summary this is:

  • protecting children from maltreatment;
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development;
  • ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
  • undertaking that role as to enable those children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.

For full details of the school’s commitment please refer to the Safeguarding Statement and the Safeguarding Policy held on the school website by accessing the links.

All relevant policies can be found on the school’s website by accessing this link: school policies.


Keeping Children Safe in Education

What School Must Do

A child should be able to go to school and feel safe so that they can achieve their very best.

  • Anybody who works or volunteers at St. Patrick’s will be DBS checked to make sure they are safe to work with children.
  • The school has a designated Senior Person for Safeguarding who has had extra training to know what to do when a concern is brought to them.
  • We will always listen to you and work closely with you if we are concerned about your child but, sometimes, we may not be able to discuss our concern. The school has a safeguarding policy which tells you more about this and when we must speak to the police or children’s services.
  • We will help your child to learn about keeping themselves safe. Lessons can include healthy eating, anti- bullying, e-safety, road safety, fire safety, healthy relationships, drug and alcohol awareness. As part of these lessons your child will be told what to do if they are worried or concerned about their safety.


What Parents Must Do

Parents are the most important people to keep their children safe. You should always

  • Feel confident to raise concerns about your child.
  • Talk to school if you need help or support.
  • Read the school policies about safety issues.
  • Let the school know if your child has a medical condition.
  • Let the school know if you have any court orders relating to the safety of your child.
  • Let the school know if there is a change in your circumstances such as a house move, a new contact number, a change of name, a change of parental responsibility, change of person dropping off or collecting your child.

Keeping Children Safe

We are committed to creating a happy and safe environment for our children to learn.

This leaflet will help you understand how we keep your children safe by telling you:

  • How children can be harmed
  • What we must do to keep your child safe from harm
  • What you must do as a parent to help your child be safe and enjoy school

Child Protection

This is an important subject in which all staff receive regular training. Our priority is to work with you but there may be times when we have to involve other people.

Everybody has a responsibility to keep all children under the age of 18 safe. Harm is identifies in four ways:

Physical– This is when a child is deliberately hurt or injured.

Sexual– This is when a child is influenced or forced to take part in a sexual activity. This can be a physical activity or non physical, e.g. being made to look at an inappropriate image.

Emotional– This is when a child is made to feel frightened, worthless or unloved. It can be by shouting, using threats or making fun of someone. It can also be when children see their parents, or visitors to their home, fighting or using violence.

Neglect– This is when a child is not being taken care of by their parents. It can be poor hygiene, poor diet, not keeping appointments for additional support, not coming to school or being left alone.

Safeguarding Issues

Attendance– Your child’s attendance is monitored daily and significant absences are always followed up by the attendance officer.

Behaviour– St. Patrick’s has clear behaviour rules for the whole school community that must be followed to keep everyone safe and happy. We understand that children do sometimes fall out and this will be dealt with by an adult who will listen and to the children involved and help to resolve the situation.

Bullying- The school takes all cases of bullying very seriously and will work with children and families to try and resolve any problems. The school has an anti- bullying policy that you should read and understand.

Health and Safety– Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that all children and adults are working in a safe environment. The school has a clear health and safety policy which everyone must follow. The school have fully trained first aiders to deal with any accidents in school.

E-Safety- The school recognises that technology plays an important role in the education of all children and is committed to safeguarding children in the virtual world. To support parents, the school has e-safety information to help keep your children safe both in school and at home.

Complaints– If you have any complaints about how the school is working with you or your child please feel confident to speak to us. The Head Teacher will always be happy to speak to you to resolve any difficulties. It is better to speak to us as soon as you have a concern so that it does not become a bigger issue. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved, you can raise your concerns with the governing body.