Here at St. Patrick’s we have a Junior St. Vincent DePaul group (SVP). St. Vincent DePaul was born in France, 24th April 1581. He became a priest and dedicated himself to serving the poor. Our Mini Vinnies are a group of Year 5 and 6 children who follow in the steps of St. Vincent in helping local charities and looking after other people in our school.

We are the Mini Vinnies.

We are always happy to help people within our school and our school community.


Dear Jesus,

As Christians we are asked to listen to what you told us, to try to understand & to show this in the way we live and how we treat others.

As Mini Vinnies we are asked to look for people who need our help, to think about how we can help, and to do something to help.

Help us to be the best Mini Vinnies that we can be.

Help us to show others, by the way we SEE, THINK & DO, that we are following your example, and that they will want to be Mini Vinnies too.
