Admission to St Patrick’s School

Parents considering applying to St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School for a place in Nursery or a place in Reception to Year 6 are most welcome to visit the school by appointment.

Information for applications for school places can be found at:

Parents may also find it helpful to speak to Admissions Department at Stockton Borough Council on 01642 526605.

As a Catholic school, we require parents to complete a ‘Supplementary Information Form For Admission To A Voluntary Aided Catholic School’. This form provides additional information that is not collected on the Local Authority’s Common Application Form.  Click here to download.

To see our current Admissions Policy please refer to the school office or check the school website’s policies section here


If a child is refused admission, parents are permitted to appeal against the decision.

School Admission Appeal Timetable for Reception Places for September:

  • The admission authority for the school must allow parents at least 20 days to appeal from when the decision letters are sent out
  • The admission authority will submit a deadline for submitting your appeal.
  • If you submit anything after the deadline, it might not be considered and may result in delays to your hearing
  • Appeals should be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for making an appeal
  • An independent panel will hear appeals during June and July 2025

More information on appeals can be found here:

Children transfer from Nursery to Main School in the September or January before the child’s 5th birthday.

Nursery Admission

St Patrick’s Nursery admits children shortly after their 3rd birthday, whenever possible. Baptised Catholic children will always be given first priority for admittance, but non-Catholic children, or children of parents who wish their child to gain from our Nursery ethos, may be considered, in the same order as our School Admission Policy. Admission to Nursery does not automatically guarantee admission into School.

We have an excellent Nursery team, who liaise closely with school staff to give the children the best possible preparation for entering primary school.