Here at St. Patrick’s, we believe that we all have a calling by God to build His Kingdom so that all God’s people can live on earth where joy, justice and peace can enjoyed by all.

At our school we follow and live out the work of Pope Francisโ€™ encyclical Fratelli Tutti – All brothers and sisters. Pope Francis asks us to reach out to help our sisters and brothers in need , whoever they are and wherever they come from. We don’t see our school as simply being our school family – we belong to a global family and we strive to look after our brothers and sisters wherever they are as they are part of our global family. We strive to help others in our school family, our parish family and in the wider global family as we are brothers and sisters.

We work for the common good. We are here to be part of a global family where we treat all as our sisters and brothers. Inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan we don’t ask who is my neighbour, but we should strive to become neighbours to all where we seek toย  Approach, Speak, Know, Listen and Understand one another.

Click on the link below to hear our special song about being called to serve one another

Our curriculum provides many opportunities for both our children and staff to develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and to action that commitment through good works and words that show we live our faith in our community as a force for good and beyond where possible. Here are some ways in which we try to live out the gospel and support those in need.

Mission Together
Mission Together is the Catholic Churchโ€™s official childrenโ€™s charity for overseas mission. It is the childrenโ€™s branch of Missio. Each Lent, the children collect and donate their pocket money in their red mission house boxes and return them to school. This is also Bishop Terryโ€™s chosen charity.


Walking for water: we carried buckets of water to Christ the King and back as part of our sponsored activities for CAFOD. We were all agreed that it was pretty exhausting and can really empathise with families that do journeys longer than this each day in hotter sun just for clean water! How lucky we are…

Thornaby Foodbank

Down’s Syndrome Awareness North-East

Each year we have an awareness day for families who are affected by this disability. We stop and pray for them as well as raise funds for their cause. We celebrate this day on 21st March – being the 21st day of the 3rd month, which isย  to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down’s syndrome. This year we raised ยฃ317.30 and really enjoyed letting our “socks rocks!”

Macmillan Cancer

Royal British Legion