Pope Francis has called this year as the Year of Pope as we prepare to celebrate the Jubilee Year in 2025.

In this Jubilee year, Pope Francis invites us all to be signs of hope in our world and this holy year will be a significant and memorable moment for children and young people. Reflecting on Jesusโ€™ message of the good news of justice, freedom and love, there are opportunities for the whole school community to experience the joy of taking action as Pilgrims of Hope in building a better world.

Our Intent at St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary is to share in Pope Francisโ€™ vision to establish prayer as a daily relationship with God and to encourage us to deepen our own prayer life and love of God and to help other people to pray during the Year of Prayer.

We believe that Prayer brings us closer to God and to one another. We pray for ourselves and the needs of others around the world. We pray daily in class and as a community. These are the prayers that are prayed with the children each day. Please take time at home to pray them together.

Here is an overview of our prayer experiences at St. Patrick’s.

Year Of Prayer 2024

SIGN OF THE CROSS In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

MORNING OFFERING Father in Heaven I give you today, All that I think or do or say. I want to join in all that is done. By Jesus Christ your dearest Son Amen

GRACE BEFORE MEALS Bless us Oh Lord as we sit together, bless this food we eat today, bless the hands that made the food, bless us Oh Lord. Amen.

GRACE AFTER MEALS Thank you God for the food we have eaten, Thank you, God, for all our friends. Thank you, God, for everything. Thank you, God. Amen.

END OF THE DAY PRAYER God our Father, we come to say Thank you for your love today. Thank you for my family And all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night, And in the morning send your light. Amen


Throughout the school year, we have a dedicated program so that staff can develop their own prayer life and spirituality. Staff gather for morning prayer throughout the year as well as receive spiritual direction and an annual retreat.

Praying through the seasons…

The year in the Church is called the Liturgical Year. This where we are invited to follow the times of significance in the life of Jesus with special place given to Mary and the saints. Well prepared liturgies marking these seasons are celebrated in school and with our parish community. Colour plays a significant part in displaying which part of the year we are celebrating.


During this Year of Prayer, we are inviting parents and carers to attend a โ€˜Stay and Prayโ€™ Session in school with their child. They will be able to set aside the distractions of their busy lives and embark on a faith journey together, as they reflect and grow in their love of prayer. Dates and times will be included in Newsletters. Please take the opportunities to pray with your child.