Our Parish is St. Patrick’s and we are linked with the parish of Christ the King. Our Priest is Fr. Pat O’Neill. Each Friday, classes take it turn to celebrate Mass with Fr. Pat and the parish.

Mass Times:

St.Patricks: Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 11.00 am

Christ the King: Sunday 9:30 am

As a Catholic community, it is important to attend Mass every Sunday. Please make every effort to be part of the Catholic community in Thornaby.


We share many links with our local parish of St.Patrickโ€™s. The parish is very supportive of events in school and we like to get involved in parish events too. We share some time together during:

  • Mass
  • Healing Services
  • Reconciliation Services
  • Summer and Christmas Fetes
  • Prayer Services/Rosary
  • SVP Groups
  • May Procession
  • Lenten Hunger Lunches
  • Tea and Coffee mornings in school

Fr. Pat O’Neill is from County Tipperary in Ireland. He has been a priest in our diocese for many years and joined us in Thornaby from Leyburn in North Yorkshire a number of years ago. He visits our school each week and he always welcomes us when we attend Mass. He loves his sports – especially his golf! We thank Fr Pat for his service to our parish and school community and keep him in our prayers.


Bishop Terrence Patrick of Middlesbrough

Bishop Terence Patrick Drainey was born in Manchester on the 1st August 1949. He was appointed the seventh Bishop of Middlesbrough by Pope Benedict on 17th November 2007. Much of his ministry has been involved in education and formation- both in this country and overseas. Bishop Terry very much values the excellent work in Catholic Education. His Vision for his school is โ€˜to make Christ known and loved through the provision of excellent Catholic education and schools intent on finding Christ in their daily lives and sharing that encounter with others.โ€™ย  This is something that we believe we do at St. Patrick’s Primary. Bishop Terry has visited us a number of times to see us.