What is the Sports Premium?

The primaryΒ PEΒ andΒ sport premiumΒ was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision ofΒ physical education and school sportΒ in primaryΒ schoolsΒ across England. The funding is allocated directly to primaryΒ schoolsΒ and is ring-fenced. This means it may only be spent on improving the provision ofΒ PEΒ andΒ sportΒ in schools. Funding is to be used for sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and Sport in school. A key element of this is to ensure quality CPD for teachers to ensure excellent future teaching.

How is Sports Premium used?

PE Curriculum

At St.Patrick’s, we recognise the vital contribution that physical activity makes to health and well-being of children.

Sports Premium has enabled us to hire high quality sports coaches who work alongside our class teachers, to help us to deliver an innovative and varied PE curriculum, and to upskill our class teachers in their teaching of PE.

We use the Sports Premium to purchase quality resources to support our teaching and to provide games equipment to encourage active break times.

Swimming is part of the National Curriculum. Before children leave our school it is expected that they are able to swim 25 metres using a range of strokes and perform basic self-rescue techniques. Children attend swimming lessons at Thornaby Pool during their time in Key Stage 2. Sport Premium funding is used to provide additional lessons for children in Year 6 to help them achieve National Curriculum expectations.

Extra-Curricular Provision

St.Patrick’s offer a wide range of sport extra-curricular activities which are led by teachers and external providers. Our clubs provide many additional opportunities for pupils to engage in a wide variety of sporting activities including football, hockey, and various forms of dance, and many more over the course of the academic year.

Increased Participation in Competitive Sports

We strive for success in all areas, including competitive sport. We offer targeted sessions with skilled coaches in a range of sporting disciplines so children are given every opportunity to develop their skills and talents to help them to be the best that they can be. We attend many tournaments and sports festivals throughout the year.

For information as to how we spend our sports funding please use the links below:

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2023-24

PE St Pats Action Plan review Autumn 2024-25