Joe Hammill is a singer and composer but is our musician in residence. Joe works alongside teachers and children to write and perform songs linked with Come and See and the Liturgical Year. Click on the links below to listen to some of the songs that we have produced.

Child of God
Building a Kingdom
What’s The Meaning Of Christmas?
To Live In Love
Pick Me A Flower
Our Father
On A Journey
Nativity Song
Love One Another
Here I Am Lord
First Holy Communion
Do This In Memory
Creation Song
Christmas Song
We like to act stories out so we can begin to feel what it was like to be there with Jesus and how the different characters would have felt.

Throughout the liturgical year we celebrate using, singing, poetry, dance, drama and colour!

More than Dance
The More than Dance team come into our school and celebrate our faith through singing and dancing. We learn the actions to popular hymns as we enjoy growing closer to God through prayer, song and dance.